MPP Product Development

Friday, Mar 20, 2015 at 16:17

David Martin

What the hell is an MPP (Main Parallel Platform)! Well it is a web business solution product created by I.T. Beyond. In a nut shell we have over the last 15 years created a massive user engagement and membership management web solution. This solution was found and built on the site which attracts thousands of daily users in a mix of membership roles. When a business/club/association or other (business) wants a web solution they can be provided with a copy of the MPP system (an ExplorOz clone) which is called a Parallel Instance (PI). These PI's are professionally hosted on auto scalling AWS web infrastructure fully backed up and offered with an SLA.

There are already a number of PI's up and running including:

As all this are currently run by I.T. Beyond a similar style theme has been applied however the themes and styles are all customisable and configurable from simple colours and fonts right through to full custom specific outputs.

The MPP system comprises the following modules:

Isoloated Modules

Shared Modules

  • Treks
  • Places
  • Road Conditions/Alerts
  • Recipes
  • Wildflowers

Each of the modules listed in the isolated section area are currently available in data isolated mode and this means that your business can utilise these modules with your own data exclusively all fully independent. An example of this is the website you are reading this on, the (ITBeyond) site is a PI of the MPP and uses the Membership, Articles, Blogs & Forum modules in isolated data mode. So for these modules the data is only related to the ITBeyond site, no ExplorOz or other PI data is visible or available.

The modules listed above as Shared Modules are currently setup to operate in shared mode, so if your business wanted to show say all Camping Areas in WA from places this could be added to your PI, along with your isolated Membership and other systems. Of course you could have all places and say all recipes or wildflowers data on your PI. The choices are very flexible and in time or on demand each of these database systems can be offered in isolated mode.

Business specific modules or functions can be quickly added to your PI using the latest development techniques and tools coupled with the already existing base modules to minimise development time. Examples of this are tools like the Tyre Size Calculator on the site.

If you are looking for a cost effective fully finished proven solution for your business/club/association then get in touch with us it may be a lot cheaper, easier and quicker than you think to get your website working for you.
David Martin
Managing Director
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