Outback Topographic Map Project

Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 at 15:21

David Martin

Are you in the vehicle tracking business, mining development, resources sector, outback touring or travel market and need commercial access to quality local outback topographic map services for Australia?

I.T. Beyond has a complete and thoroughly updated and tested dataset and makes this available to customers in many forms and formats. From direct database access to vector and raster tile servers, if you need outback topographic data or access to various layers of local updated data that is validated by a massive contributing audience than you cannot go past the Outback Topographic Map Project.

Over last last 15 years I.T. Beyond has been curating a data set based originally on the Geoscience Topo250 product. Over that time we have processed thousands of major and minor updates to all elements of the data, adjusted data sources and created new and improved services. Our latest flagship service is a full vector based interface to our topographic product that will be released in the next few months and represents a massive step in producing a high quality public and commercial data source that can be used in your business.

For any enquires simply Contact Us.
David Martin
Managing Director
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